While training a Reseller network with Canon the other day I had the opportunity to do some portrait work with a model. I rarely get to do this stuff, mainly owing to money and time but its great practice. I very much "learn on the job" as product knowledge takes priority over technique in the Business Development side of my life. As an aspiring artist its hard to produce things of any value in such an ad hoc way but I do my utmost to create images I consider "interesting"
The theme was a wedding, playing with an off camera flash:
I have been very busy recently, touring for work and moving into a new flat in Ealing but I have had time to do a little bit of wildlife photography under the watchful eye of Dave Newton a master of all things photographic, In exchange for being his model in some outdoor off-camera flash test's he has lent me some great lens's and shown me the ropes of wildlife photography. These Canada and Egyptian geese were found down by the river near Kew Gardens.