Where have I been for the last fortnight? It feels like only yesterday I put up a post about my content for the Wild Photos show..
I have been on a 16 day long binge of work and travel culminating in a 4 day trip to Moscow and then 3 days working for Apple training Canon resellers, I managed to shoehorn in a bit of photography but nothing serious, Moscow was a holiday after-all. I worked at the Canon Pro Solutions show delivering 4 hours of presentations a day about Aperture 2 workflow and somehow still had my voice left for a few days working with Wacom before going down to Media Pro for another round of convergent media presentations.
Today, I popped down to London to take some pictures at the Lord Mayor's inauguration ceremony, full of soldiers, sailors, butchers, tailors and tinkers I managed to see the whole thing before the terrible weather descended..

Next week I will upload some of the studio stuff I have been working on.