The asylum was housed in a hospital district of Northampton surrounded by functioning medical buildings, its odd to see something so obviously decaying amidst staff and facilities going about business as usual. There were vague signs of renovation in the main building (as seen in the first image) but the grounds and external reception buildings were a complete mess, signs hanging off the wall and floors full of holes.
I also had a peculiar and unexpected experience when exploring the site, knife wielding teenagers..
When leaving the main block building to explore the reception area I walked around the corner and nearly collided with a 12-14 year old boy running towards me with a 7 inch kitchen knife in his right hand. Upon seeing me his reaction was to look very surprised and run in the opposite direction yelling to some unseen others. I guess this sort of things is a bit of a hazard when walking the untrodden path but it was still quite bizarre, I later saw a group of kids when leaving the site but declined taking any pictures of them - my reasoning being its very hard to predict the behaviour of people who are afraid of being caught in a place they shouldn't be, even more so when they are carrying weapons.